Monday, January 18, 2021

Double Birthday

My boys are no longer children, they are grown men who are strong, intelligent, and well loved not only among their family, but among the entire kingdom. They have received many fine gifts and well wishes.

I will retain my role as King until the day of my death, but meanwhile, Thomas will inherit his own castle fit for a young king as well as the rights to this family journal.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Birthday Fit for A Princess

Princess Anne is no longer a little girl, but a young woman. One with many suitors, in fact. However, I've been speaking with two fellow kings who both want her betrothed to their sons. I have much to think on and little time to do it, but this is an important matter so it will get the attention it deserves. Meanwhile, she is enjoying her new jewels and crown as well as the attention of her mother who hadn't left her side the entire day.

Speaking of her mother, the Queen feels as if she may be with child, but isn't certain as of now.

Another kitchen worker has died last night. I was at first told it may have been an illness, but it appears the fool starved himself to death while working in the kitchen. Survival of the fittest, I suppose. He'll be replaced by this afternoon.

Friday, January 1, 2021

We Made It

We have all survived the terrible illness that had taken us down. It was a bad one, but we're strong and survived it. My sons had their birthday. I'm very proud of the men they're becoming. Thomas is going to be a great king in his time. 

The builders have finally finished the new castle and we are settling in nicely. This is only our second night here so some minor things do need to be adjusted, but overall, the workers have moved our things in rather quickly and have done well.

The princes enjoy having their own chambers and Princess Anne is happy with her more feminine chambers as well. Her birthday will be upon us in only a few days and I intend to surprise her with jewels befitting a beautiful young princess. I am sure she will be pleasantly surprised.

Friday, December 25, 2020


The Queen has fallen ill again and this time everyone has fallen ill with her other than Joseph and the servants. Joseph will go on about his day as usual with studies and outdoor activities while the rest of us stay in bed and rest.

There is word that there may be a pandemic spreading through the kingdom. I have hope that isn't correct, but seeing this sickness stay so long, I don't have high hopes. I will write more again when I am well unless there is an important update before then.

More Birthdays and Other News

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of Princess Anne and today she began formal studies. As much as she already loves books and reading, I'm certain she will do well and her instructor agrees.

Tomorrow we celebrate my birthday. I'm not looking forward to aging another year older, but I am looking forward to celebrating with my family and court. 

The queen was deathly ill for about a week. I worried we may lose her, but she is strong and after much bedrest she is now back on her feet and feeling like herself once again. Luckily, no one else got the illness other than two servants who then passed from it.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Birthday Celebrations

We celebrated the birth of the princes today. They have both quickly grown into strong boys. Thomas is quite a proper boy dressing always in his best clothing and fast to correct his brother of rude or mischivious behavior. Joseph is a very relaxed child and almost never gets upset or angry.

Little Princess Anne continues to do well and is growing quickly. Now toddling around the place keeping her nannies busy just as her older brothers did at her age.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Princess Has Arrived!

On Wednesday, I had taken sick for a few days and slept in my own chambers for fear of giving the dreaded illness to my wife while she was still with child. She was not pleased, nor was I, but we all must do what we can to keep from spreading this terrible illness. 

All for good measure as the last day of autumn, my dear Princess Anne has arrived healthy and beautiful just like her mother. The queen is resting and the first princess is feeding with a healthy appetite. I am overjoyed to announce that they are both well and happy.

Today, the first day of summer, our maid has died. I'm certain she will be quickly replaced considering we now have two toddlers and a newborn in the castle keeping the other staff quite busy. Thankfully, none of this causes problems for the cook, I'm quite hungry for my breakfast.

Double Birthday

My boys are no longer children, they are grown men who are strong, intelligent, and well loved not only among their family, but among the en...